How do I reset the password on an account?

Resetting the password to your account is a simple process that takes less than a few minutes. And there's two ways to perform this easy task. 

One way to reset the password would be to go to and select to Sign In. On the Sign In screen, you will see the wording, Forgot Password? After clicking this, you will be brought to a screen requesting an email address, use the one associated with the account to be sent a password reset email. 

Additionally, if you're already in the account, you can change a password by going to the Menu, selecting Rental Manager Tools and then Account in the Menu bar in the upper-left. On the Account drop down, click My Account; you will see the option to reset the password under Login & Security on the General Settings.

Both methods of changing the password will instantaneously update the credentials, so you can begin using the new password once it has been set. 

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