What's the difference between property and unit-level media in Rental Manager?
There are two dedicated locations you can upload media to a listing in Rental Manager: in the Edit Unit page or under the Media section on the Edit Listing page. This article covers each section, the type of media that goes there, and what order media appears in on a live listing.
Where do I upload media?
- Log in to your Rental Manager account and select Properties in the left navigation.
- Select the ellipses dropdown on the property where you want to upload media and then select Edit Listing.
The Edit Listing page appears. Refer to the sections below for next steps on uploading different types of media.
Uploading unit-level photos
- Select Edit Unit.
Your Basics settings appear.
- Navigate to the unit where you want to upload photos and then select Add Unit Photos.
A pop-up appears.
- Upload your unit-level photos and select Apply when you are done.
Note: Unit-level photos are images that highlight the interior of your unit. Be sure your photos focus on the amenities that your unit offers or what makes it unique.
Your unit-level photos are added to your listing.
- Select Continue at the bottom of the page. You return to the Edit Listing page.
Uploading property-level media
- Locate the Media section on the Edit Listing page and then select Edit Section.
Your Media page appears.
- Upload your property-level photos and videos.
- Select Continue at the bottom of the page when you are done. You return to the Edit Listing page.
- Select Publish at the bottom of the Edit Listing page when you are done uploading both unit-level and property-level media.
What order does my media appear in?
After your listing goes live, all uploaded media is presented in the main photo library.
Media appears on your listing in the following order:
- Main Photo from your featured unit
- Main Photo from the general property info
- Videos (if you have a Premium Listing)
- Unit-level images
- General property/community-level images (excluding floor plans)