How do I set up automatic late fees?

With, you can automatically bill late fees to encourage your renters to make payments on time.

Adding automatic late fees

  1. Navigate to your Rental Manager account and select the Payments tab.
  2. Select the resident you would like to set up a late fee for.

A payment page appears.

  1. Locate and select the Settings tab underneath the Rent and Renters sections.

Your Settings appear.

  1. Select the Edit button in the Late Fees section.

An Automatic Late Fees prompt appears.

  1. Select the I want to add late fees checkbox.
  2. Enter the Late Fee Amount and select when you would like to apply the fee from the Add A Fee dropdown.

Note: If rent is due on the 1st, and you select 5 days after rent is due from the Add a Fee dropdown, the late fee would be added on the 6th. 

  1. Select Continue.

The Confirm Payment Setting page appears.

  1. Select Confirm and Update.

Your automatic late fee is created and added to the resident you selected.

If your resident doesn't have a total balance of $0 or lower on the date that rent is due, will email them. They will be informed that they need to schedule a payment for rent, or a late fee will be applied.

Once the grace period you selected from the Add a Fee dropdown is over, a late fee bill will be applied automatically. will email your renters about this bill with instructions on how to schedule a payment. 

Deleting a late fee

  1. Select the resident you would like to remove a late fee from.

A payment page appears.

  1. Locate and select the Settings tab underneath the Rent and Renters sections.

Your Settings appear.

  1. Select the Edit button in the Late Fees section.

An Automatic Late Fees prompt appears.

  1. Select the I don't want to add late fees checkbox.
  2. Select Continue.

The Confirm Payment Setting page appears.

  1. Select Confirm and Update.

Your automatic late fee is removed.

Note: For more information or assistance with adding late fees, contact

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