How do I schedule an occupancy report using Rent Manager 12?

  1. Navigate to Rent Manager and log in to your account.

The Rent Manager dashboard appears.

  1. Select the Reports tab in the top navigation.

  1. Select the Report Batches dropdown and then select Manage Report Batches.

The Manage Report Batches page appears.

  1. Select the plus icon button to create a new occupancy report batch.

  1. Select your new batch, select the Occupancy dropdown under the Available Reports section, select Vacancy, and then select Vacancy again to the right of the reports section.

Your report options appear toward the bottom of the window.

  1. Configure your report options.

  1. Select Save when you are done configuring your settings.

Scheduling an occupancy report batch

  1. Select Schedule in the bottom right of the Manage Report Batches page.

A pop-up appears.

  1. Configure your report batch scheduling options.
    1. Select and enable the Active checkbox under the Options section.
    2. Enter the date you want your reports to begin generating automatically in the First Run Date field.
    3. Configure the frequency when your reports generate in the Pattern fields.
    4. Select Never End from the End dropdown under the When to End section.
    5. Enter your contact information under the Email Options section.
      1. Enter your Property Management Company name in the From Name field.
      2. Enter in the To: field.
      3. Enter a name in the File Name field.
      4. Set the Format: dropdown to Excel.
    6. Select Save.

The pop-up closes and your occupancy report batch is created.

  1. Select Save in the bottom right of the Manage Report Batches page.

Your report batch is finalized and automatically generates on the dates and times you selected.

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