How do I add concessions to my listing using ResMan?

  1. Navigate to the ResMan client portal and log in to your account.

The ResMan Dashboard appears.

  1. Select the Property dropdown and then select Specials.

The Specials page appears.

  1. Select New Special in the green submenu.

The New Special page appears.

  1. Enter the following information:
    1. Property - select the property where you want to apply a concession from drop-down menu.
    2. Name - enter the name of your concession.
    3. Notes - enter notes about your concession.
    4. Type - select the concession type (New Lease or Renewal).
    5. Qualifying dates - select the part of the leasing process your concession applies to (Application, Move-in, Lease Expiration).
      • Application - the special applies if the applicant applies within a specified date range.
      • Move-In - the special applies if the applicant moves-in within a specified date range.
      • Lease Expiration - the special applies if the resident's lease expires within a specified date range.
    6. Date range - enter the date range for the qualifying dates.
    7. Apply to - select what part(s) of your community your concession applies to. (Property, Unit Type, or Unit).
    8. Apply to items - If you select Unit Type or Unit, you will need to select which units or types your concession applies to in the Apply to items section. This list will change depending on what you select in the Apply to dropdown.
    9. Lease terms - select the lease terms included in your concession.

Note: ResMan does not send percentage-based specials in the feed.

  1. Enter the following information in the Concession section:
    1. Period - select the time frame of your concession. (Fixed Number of Months, Length of Lease, One-Time). If you select Fixed Number of Months, the concession will start on the month of lease start. Selecting Length of Lease allows the concession to run the entire length of lease. If you select One Time, the concession applies once on the month selected.
    2. Concession - select Amount or Percent and enter your concession total.
    3. Can be modified - check this checkbox if your concession can be modified.
    4. Category - select the concession category.
    5. Start month - select Start of Lease or Full Month.
    6. Prorate - enable this checkbox if the initial concession must be prorated.
    7. Duration - select the number of months the concession will last.

  1. Enter the following information in the Marketing section:
    1. Marketing Name - enter the Marketing name that will appear on the Online Availability screen.
    2. Description - enter the description that will appear on the Online Availability screen.
    3. Advertise on Online Availability - enable this checkbox to advertise on online availability.

Select Save.

After saving, your concession is syndicated to within 24 to 48 hours.

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