How do I push pricing information to using RealPage Integration Marketplace?

Important: You must set up lead attribution using RealPage ILM Lead Manager before you can push pricing information to For more information on the setup process, refer to our article: How do I set up lead attribution using RealPage ILM?

Enabling unit-level integration using RealPage

Important: RealPage's Integration Marketplace is separate from the Marketing Center. If you would like to connect your listings for ILS Syndication, refer to our Help Center article: How do I connect my listing to using RealPage LeaseStar/Marketing Center?

  1. Navigate to RealPage and log in to your account. The Unified Platform home page appears.
  2. Navigate to the Resources section, select Integration Marketplace.
  3. Select the Network logo and select Subscribe Now.
  4. Select and enable the checkboxes by the properties you want to connect to
  5. Select Save.

The Network subscription request is sent to for verification. This process takes 24 to 48 hours to complete, after which your listings successfully connect.

Pushing pricing information to

A Revenue Management license is required to push unit-level pricing features such as price by lease term and move-in dates from RealPage to will only display price by lease term and move-in date information on platinum or above ad package listings.

Note: For more information on obtaining a Revenue Management license, contact your RealPage Sales Representative.

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