How do I upload floor plan-level media using RealPage?

Uploading Floor Plan-level Media Using RealPage

  1. Navigate to RealPage and log in to your account.
  2. The Unified Platform homepage appears.

  3. Select the Marketing Center placard. 
  4. Important: If the Market Center placard is missing, contact Real Page support for further assistance.

    The  My Properties page appears.

  5. Select the property you want to connect to
  6. The  Marketing Dashboard appears.

  7. Select the Property Profile button on the left navigation. The Property Profile page appears.
  8. Verify the Floor Plans & Rents tab is selected.
  9. Select the pencil icon on the floor plan row where you want to upload media.
  10. Navigate to the Floor Plan Diagram & Photos section and select Upload Media. A pop-up appears.
  11. Select add URLs. A URL field appears.
  12. Enter the URL of the media you want to upload to the selected floor plan, then select Submit. A file upload preview screen appears.
  13. Select the Select All box to confirm your files, and then select the Select Media Type dropdown to assign a media type to your files.
  14. Select Start Upload
  15. Your media is uploaded to your listing.

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