Unit-Level Content FAQs

We genuinely believe the addition of unit-level content to Apartments.com is the single biggest innovation in the online rental shopping experience since the launch of Apartments.com in 2014.

It is all new. And because it is new, there will be a lot of questions.

Unfortunately, we are a bit ahead of many of the feed providers. So, setting up all our new unit-level media will not always be a straightforward process.

We are working to address some of these shortcomings with the feed providers.

In the meantime, we have several excellent solutions in place to help your customers.

Who can help?

We are here to help. This FAQ document should answer most of your questions. But if you need more help, please contact:

Customer Support: support@apartments.com

Product: Rose Lindenbaum (rlindenbaum@costar.com) or Kevin Pak (kpak@costar.com)

Photos (Feeds)

How do I add unit-level photos to my feed?

Apartments.com has 4 third-party feed providers that support unit photos. These are all live and working today. They are Yardi, MRI (VaultWare), Funnel (Nestio) and I Love Leasing.

We are working on creating a series of Help Center articles that supply step-by-step instructions for adding unit-level photos to these feeds.

Many other 3rd party and proprietary feeds are adding this functionality. We will alert the team as new providers bring this functionality to their feed.

To support that development effort – we recommend that if a customer’s feed provider does not yet support unit-level photos, please have the customer reach out to their feed provider and ask them how they can add unit-level photos to their feed.

Apartments.com also has a few proprietary (PMC-specific) feeds that support unit-level photos. Those include UDR, Norhart (Kason), Manhattan Skyline, Goldfarb and Bozzuto.

Am I able to add captions to unit-level photos in my feed?

Yes. This feature is supported by the feed providers that support unit-level photos.

Photos (Manual Upload)

Am I able to add unit-level photos via Customer Portal or Network Admin?

Yes. This can be done in Customer Portal and Network Admin. Reach out to Apartments.com support with any questions.

Am I able to add captions to unit-level photos using Customer Portal or Network Admin?

Yes. This feature is supported in Customer Portal and Network Admin. Reach out to Apartments.com support with any questions.

Floor Plan Photos (Feeds)

Am I able to add unit floor plan photos to my feed?

Yes. This feature is supported by the feed providers that support unit-level photos.

Am I able to add model-level floor plan photos to my feed?

The majority of proprietary and third-party feeds support this feature.

Floor Plan Photos (Manual Upload)

Am I able to add unit and model-level floor plan photos via Customer Portal and Network Admin?

Yes. Customer Portal and Network Admin both support adding unit and model-level floorplan photos.

View From Unit (Feeds)

How do I add a photo of View From Unit in my feed?

To have a photo appear as “View From Unit” for a particular unit, the photo needs to have a specific caption.

The caption needs to be in the EXACT format below:

View From Unit [UNIT #]

Example – if the customer would like to set a photo as the “View From Unit” for unit 3008, the caption for that photo in the feed must read:

View From Unit [3008]

If your feed supports unit-level photos, add the photo (with the specific caption) to the specific unit in the feed. If the feed does not support unit-level photos, attach the photo (with the specific caption) to the property-level photos in the feed.

View From Unit (Manual)

How do I add a photo of “View From Unit” for a specific unit in Customer Portal or Network Admin?

With the 7/13 release, users will be able to add a view photo for individual units via Customer Portal or Network Admin.

Users may add customized captions to these View From Unit photos.

3D Tours (Feeds)

How do I add a 3D tour of a model to a feed?

At this time, model-level 3D tours are not supported by any feed providers. Apartments.com is hoping this will change soon and we are discussing this with proprietary and third-party 3D tour providers. Contact your feed provider for more information.

How do I add a 3D tour of a unit to a feed?

At this time, unit-level 3D tours are not supported by any feed providers. Apartments.com is hoping this will change soon and we are discussing this with proprietary and third-party 3D tour providers. Contact your feed provider for more information.

3D Tours (Manual Upload)

Am I able to load a model-level 3D tour in Customer Portal or Network Admin?

Currently, you cannot manually load a model-level 3D Tour via Customer Portal. However, this can be done in Network Admin. Contact Customer Support for assistance.

Apartments.com currently supports 3D Tours from a variety of providers: Matterport, LCP 360, Atlas Bay, Peek, and Helix.

Customer Support can also help with bulk importation of model-level 3D tours.

Am I able to load a unit-level 3D tour in Customer Portal or Network Admin?

Currently, you cannot manually load a unit-level 3D Tour via Customer Portal. Eventually, this can be done in Network Admin. Contact Customer Support for help.

Apartments.com currently supports 3D Tours from a variety of providers: Matterport, LCP 360, Atlas Bay, Peek, and Helix.

Customer Support can also help a customer with the bulk importation of unit-level 3D tours.

Videos (Feeds)

How do I add model-level videos to my feed?

At this time, model-level videos are not supported by any feed providers. Apartments.com is hoping this will change soon and we are discussing this with proprietary and third-party 3D tour providers. Contact your feed provider for more information.

How do I add unit-level videos to my feed?

At this time, unit-level videos are not supported by any feed providers. Apartments.com is hoping this will change soon and we are discussing this with proprietary and third-party 3D tour providers. Contact your feed provider for more information.

Videos (Manual Upload)

Am I able to upload model-level videos in Customer Portal or Network Admin?

Property managers are able to upload a model-level video using Customer Portal.

Customer Support can help with bulk importation of model-level videos.

Am I able to upload unit-level videos in Customer Portal or Network Admin?

Property managers are able to upload a unit-level video using Customer Portal.

Customer Support can help with bulk importation of unit-level videos.

Amenities (Feeds)

How do I add unit-level amenities to my feed?

The following Feeds support unit level amenities:

  • AvalonBay
  • Bozzuto
  • Goldfarb
  • IT49
  • Kason
  • MacProperties
  • Funnel/Nestio
  • RealPage
  • RealtyMX
  • Resman
  • StellarManagement
  • TFCornerstone
  • TricornResidential
  • UDR
  • MRI/Vaultware
  • VenterraUpdates
  • Yardi

Please note: Some 3rd party feed vendors use an older feed standard. So, some standard amenities may come over as custom amenities in the feed. If you are using a vendor that is not listed above, you will need to manually add unit-level amenities. Apartments.com is hoping more vendors will include unit level amenities soon and we are discussing this with proprietary and third-party feed vendors. Contact your feed provider for more information.

Amenities (Manual Upload)

Am I able to add unit-level amenities via Customer Portal or Network Admin?

Yes, Customer Portal and Network both support adding unit-level amenities.

Property Maps / Unit Maps

How do I add a property map to one of my customer’s listings?

Today, Engrain is the only provider of property maps supported by Apartments.com. Email the Apartments.com support team (support@apartments.com) for help with the implementation. The email subject should include “Engrain Request” when emailing support.

Unit-Level Leads

How are unit-level leads delivered?

All leads submitted at the unit-level will be delivered with unit details.

Leads will be delivered using whatever method is currently in use:

  1. If the lead is sent via API, the unit number & model are appended to the comment.
  2. If the lead is sent as an email, the unit number is included in the email body.
  3. If the lead is scraped, the client must contact a 3rd party to scrape it from the email.

See the photo below for an example of unit data added to an Apartments.com lead.

Unit-Level Deposits (Feeds)

How do I add unit-level deposits to my feed?

The following feeds support unit-level deposits: 

  • 365Connect
  • Adara
  • AJH
  • Appfolio
  • BetterNOI
  • ConnorGroup
  • Ellipse
  • Entrata
  • EntrataStudent
  • ILoveLeasing
  • iRent
  • IT49
  • Kason
  • LandlordWebsolutions
  • MetropolitanAssociates
  • RealPage
  • Resman
  • TFCornerstone
  • UDR
  • VenterraUpdates
  • Yardi

On Apartments.com, if deposit data is added to a feed, it will always be called a “Deposit” on Apartments.com.

We realize that in many situations these may not actually be deposits. There could be Admin fees or alternative security fees or renters insurance.

We do not currently support labels for all these different options. We are working to address those situations in the future and hoping more vendors will include unit-level deposits. Contact your feed provider for more information.

Unit-Level Deposits (Manual Upload)

Am I able to add unit-level deposit data to Customer Portal or Network Admin?

Yes, Customer Portal and Network both support adding unit-level Deposits.

Package Levels

These new unit and model-level content will not be available for everyone. Some content elements will only be available for premium packages to encourage upsells and discourage downgrades.

We are adding logic to the site that will remove property maps and some unit-level content if the customers downgrade their ad package.

Here is what content will be supported at specific ad package levels on Apartments.com.

Ad Feature
Videos of a Unit

3D Tours of a Unit

Unit Map

Property Maps

View From Unit

Lease Term (Min/Max) for the Unit
Rental Rate by Lease Length

Photos of the Unit

Floor Plan photo of the Unit

Photo Gallery for the Unit

Unit-Level Leads

Unit Name/Number

x x x x
Unit Amenities
Square Footage of a Unit
Rental Rate of a Unit
Date Available for the Unit
Deposit for a Unit
Beds and Baths of a Unit
Text Description of the Unit
Rent Concessions & Specials for a Unit

Network Sites

Will unit-level content be supported on Apartments.com Network sites (Apartment Finder, Apartment Home Living, ForRent.com, etc.)?

This unit-level content is not available today. But please stay tuned. We are working to add this content to the various sites in the Apartments.com Network.

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