How do I know if my renter accepted my invitation to pay and is set up on

You can check on your renter's setup status at any time directly within your account. From your Payments tab, select the rent collection you're interested in. Once you click on Payers, there are three possible statuses:

  • Invited means your renter hasn't accepted their invite yet
  • Ready to pay means your renter has accepted the invite, and has at least one verified payment account. 
  • Not set up yet means your renter hasn't added a payment account, or has added a payment account but has not verified it yet. You'll see the reason they're not set up yet explained right under their status. 

If your resident hasn't accepted your invite, click the Reinvite button, which will reinvite them via email. 

If you don't see a Reinvite option, that means your renter has set up an account but hasn't yet set up a payment method. If this is the case, you'll need to remind your resident to do so in order for them to send payments. 

What if my renter hasn't verified their bank account?

If your renter hasn't verified their bank account, you can direct them to this article for further direction. 

If it's been over a week since they connected their bank account, we've probably pulled the deposits back since these were temporary. Residents can check their bank around the time they entered their account details as their bank should still have a record of what was deposited.

If your renter is able to re-add the account, it means that there was probably an error or typo the first time they added it. If they are unable to re-add it, that means they entered the same numbers as before. If that’s the case, please have them contact Customer Support at 
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