How do I edit what amenities appear on my listing?

  1. Navigate to and log into your account.
  2. Select Menu, Properties & Listings, and then Properties.

The Properties page appears.

  1. Select Edit Listing under the property where you want to edit amenities.

The Edit Listing page appears.

  1. Select the Amenities tab.

The Amenities page appears.

Note: You can select which language(s) your lease consultants speak under the Languages section to help give prospective renters an idea of what they can expect when starting the leasing process.

Adding and removing amenities

Select the checkboxes under each amenity section to enable or disable amenities on your listing. Any changes are saved automatically.

Important: Enabling a checkbox on the tab will automatically apply that amenity to your listing on Apartment Finder as well. The purpose of the separate tabs is to highlight the different verbiage used on each site.

Adding custom amenities

  1. Locate the Custom Amenities section at the bottom of the Amenities page.

  1. Enter your custom amenity and select the Add button to add it to your listing.

Note: Custom amenities appear across the Network of Sites exactly how you enter them.

  1. Select the trashcan icon to remove custom amenities at any time.

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