How do I automate occupancy reporting using AppFolio?

Creating an occupancy report

  1. Navigate to AppFolio and log in to your account.

The AppFolio Dashboard appears.

  1. Select the Leasing dropdown in the left navigation and then select Metrics.

The Leasing Metrics Dashboard appears.

  1. Enter and select ALL in the Search dropdown.

Note: Selecting ALL will create an occupancy report for all of your properties. If you only want to create a report for a specific property, search for and select that one instead.

  1. Set the Start and End Date to today's date and then select Apply Date Range.

  1. Select the Group By dropdown under the Activity Detail section and select Property.

Your changes are applied.

  1. Select Export as CSV at the top right of the Activity Detail section.

Your occupancy report exports.

Automating occupancy reports

Configuring your report

  1. Select the Reporting dropdown in the left navigation and then select Reports.

The Reports page appears.

  1. Search for and open your Occupancy Summary report.

  1. Locate and select Customize.

The Customize Report page appears.

  1. Search for and select which properties you want to include in your automated reports.

  1. Select the Grouping tab, select Group Rows by Category, and then select Property from the dropdown.

  1. Select Update.

The Customize Report page closes and you are returned to your Occupancy Report.

  1. Select the Action dropdown and then select Save Layout.

Your report configurations are saved.

Scheduling your report

  1. Select the Reporting dropdown in the left navigation and then select Scheduled Reports.

The Scheduled Reports page appears.

  1. Select the New Scheduled Report button under the Tasks section in the top right of the window.

The New Scheduled Report page appears.

  1. Configure your automated report:
    1. Enter a name for your automatic report in the Schedule Name field. Be sure to include both and the name of your business in this field.
    2. Select the report you created in the previous section from the Saved Reports dropdown.
    3. Select XLSX from the Format dropdown.
    4. Enter in the Recipients field.
    5. Enter a subject line in the Subject field. Be sure to include both and the name of your business in this field.
    6. Select a start date and then select how often you want to send a report from the Frequency dropdown.
    7. Select Save.

Your automated report is created.

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