How do I enter income limits if my property has affordable housing requirements?

  1. Navigate to and log into your account.
  2. Select Menu, Properties & Listings, and then Properties.

The Properties page appears.

  1. Select Edit Listing under the property where you want to add income restriction information.

The Edit Listing page appears.

  1. Select the Property tab.

The Property page appears.

  1. Navigate to the bottom of the Property tab and locate the Income Restrictions section.
  2. Enter your income restriction information.

Important: You can enter up to three separate %AMI limits. If you enter a new row, the 100% row is hidden. Otherwise, the 100% is shown by default without a 100% label. Examples of how these tables appear on a listing are included below:

New rows entered

No new rows entered

  1. Select Save Changes when you are done entering your information.

Your income restriction information and an income limit banner are added to your listing.

Note: For more information on enabling additional alerts regarding specialty housing requirements, refer to our Help Center article: Enabling Specialty Housing Disclaimers.

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