How can I remove a negative review that was published about the community that I manage?
All submitted reviews content is moderated. The process, which can take up to 10 days, audits the review for words or content that violate our Terms of Service or Terms of Use. Because this process takes place prior to publication, we are confident that the resulting published reviews meet our guidelines and are appropriate for a public forum.
This process does not guarantee that all reviews posted on your ad page will be positive, and content will not be rejected solely because of a negative viewpoint. Reviews are commonplace and are an important part of the online shopping experience for consumers. They help renters know the community is legitimate and that real people like themselves have resided at (or have visited) the property. We encourage communities to submit a courteous response to all reviews, both positive and negative. Marketing studies have shown that prospective customers are more highly drawn to businesses with an active and engaging online presence.
Additional questions should be directed to your assigned account executive or sales representative, your local marketing expert who is well-trained and ready to assist. To learn about our Site Terms, please see our Terms of Service and Terms of Use.
Can I respond reviews?
You absolutely can! We encourage responses to both positive and negative reviews. We know that you do your best to make each renter's experience a pleasant one; and if you receive a negative review, it's often the result a miscommunication or a misunderstanding. For this reason, we give you the ability to submit a response to each review that is posted on your ad page.
When it comes to negative reviews, we've found that the best responses are those that (1) apologize for the renter's experience, and (2) encourage the writer to contact the management team to discuss their particular issue further. Comments like these show prospects that the community staff is engaged and is willing (or open) to address any feedback.
Review responses are moderated, just as the reviews themselves. Responses that carry over best to the public are courteous and professional. Things to avoid are use of a resident's full name if that resident chose to not first self-identify within the review. Also, per our Terms, 3rd party websites are not to be included in a review, nor a response. Examples of this are asking residents to also submit a review on Yelp, Google, Facebook, etc. Additionally, if a writer chooses not to self-identify within the review, will honor and treat the review as a confidential post; therefore, if you would like to know the identity of a writer, please submit a review response that asks the writer to get in contact with you so that you may obtain more information.
If you already have login access to the backend of your ad, you can start submitting responses to your reviews today by clicking the menu bar, Properties & Listings, and Reviews. You should see the 'respond to review' button to click to submit your text. If you need login access, please contact us at