How do I stop collecting payments?

To stop collecting payments through

  1. Go to your Payments page
  2. Select the unit you'd like to end
  3. Click the Settings tab
  4. Click the red "End payments" 

Once you've ended payment collection, we won't process any future payments and we'll notify your renters that they can no longer make payments.

Any payments already in progress will continue processing and will be sent to your account once they clear your renter's account.

All payment and renter history will remain in your account for future reference.

Rent collections that haven’t started yet can also be terminated. If you end your future rent collection before it starts, it will no longer have a start or end date and will instead be indicated by the date it was cancelled.

If you ever see that a renter has scheduled an upcoming partial payment or a payment for the wrong amount and you don't want it to process, you can end your payment collection. Ending payments in makes it so your renter cannot send any new payments. 

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